View model activity


September 13, 2024

Use the audit trail functionality in the ValidMind Platform UI to track or audit all the information events associated with a specific model.


Model Activity

The Model Activity page shows a record of all activities, including actions performed by users in your organization and updates generated via the developer framework such as:

  • Inventory fields updated on the model3
  • Model status transitions4
  • Updates to model documentation, validation reports,5 or ongoing monitoring reports6
  • Test results added to your model7
  • Findings added, updated, or removed8
  • Comment creation and replies9

To view model activity:

  1. In the left sidebar, click Model Inventory.

  2. Select a model by clicking on it or find your model by applying a filter or searching for it.10

  3. In the expanded sidebar that appears for your model, click Model Activity.

Filter activity

Use the top tabs to narrow down model activity.


Default view; shows all activity.


Shows only comments created or replied to; shows all comments by default.11

Comment settings
  • Select Show all comments to see only comments you’re mentioned in.
  • Select Show only mentions to show all comments again.

Status updates

Shows model status transitions.12

Project updates

Shows project level updates:

  • Inventory fields updated on the model13
  • Updates to model documentation, validation reports,14 or ongoing monitoring reports15
  • Test results added to your model16
  • Findings added, updated, or removed17

What’s next