Customize model overview page


February 3, 2025

Configure what and how model inventory fields appear when you pull up a model’s details in the inventory.

Changes are automatically saved to your account and do not affect other users.

Customizations will apply to all models in your inventory.


Show or hide fields

Only custom inventory fields can be shown or hidden.

Default fields will always appear on your model overview pages and are represented by by faded cells. Their positions cannot be adjusted.

  1. In the left sidebar, click Inventory.

  2. Select a model or find your model by applying a filter or searching for it.2

  3. Click on Customize Layout.

  4. On the Customize Section Layout modal that appears, configure the model inventory fields3 that will appear:

    • Toggle optional model inventory fields on or off to show or hide them from view.
    • Click and hold a field to drag-and-drop to rearrange the order of fields. Fields can be moved from the Side Column to the Main Column and vice versa.4

    To narrow down your list of fields, search via the Filter bar.

  5. Click Save Layout to apply your changes to all model overview pages.

4 Attachments or Long Text type fields can only be placed in the Main Column.

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