Collaborate with others


September 13, 2024

Use the real-time collaboration features to track changes, add comments, and access the revision history for model documentation and validation reports.

Feature highlights

  • Real-time collaboration. Simultaneously edit model documentation, leave and respond to comments suggestions, and access revision history. Changes to model documentation are also automatically added to ValidMind’s activity feed.

  • Spell and grammar checker. Have your content checked automatically by the built-in spell and grammar checker.

  • Math formulas. Add math formulas to documentation by clicking the MathType button and using the toolbar, or switch to handwriting.


Tracking changes

Suggest a change

  1. Click the Track changes button in the toolbar to turn on suggestion mode.

  2. Make your changes to the model documentation. When changes tracking is enabled, other contributors can accept or decline the suggested changes.

Resolve changes

  1. Suggested changes appear in green or red highlighted text, depending on if the change is adding or removing content. To accept or decline a change, click the highlighted text, then click or . You can also reply to a suggested change.

  2. To mass accept or decline suggestions, click the dropdown arror next to the Track changes button and click the desired option.

Revision history

Save a version

  1. Click the Revision history button in the toolbar.

  2. In the dropdown, click Save current version. Optionally, enter a version name. The default name is the date and time the latest change was made.

View revision history

  1. Click the Revision history button in the toolbar, then click Open revision history. Here, you can view a history of all saved versions and your current version.

  2. To see the the change made with each version, select the version in the right sidebar. Changes made in that version are highlighted. Hover over the highlighted content to see who made the change.

Restore a version

  1. To restore a version, select the desired version and click Restore this version.

  2. The restored version will now appear under revision history with the name: “Restored: ‘version name’”. To exit revision history without restoring a version, click Back to editing.


All users associated with a model, such as model developers and model validators, will see a notification that a comment has been posted in their Recent Activity feed, accessible via the Dashboard.

Post comments

  1. In any section of the model documentation, select the portion of text you want to comment on, and click the Comment button in the toolbar.

  2. Enter your comment and click Comment.

  3. You can view the comment by clicking the highlighted text. Comments will also appear in the right sidebar.

Reply to comments

  1. Click the highlighted text portion to view the comment thread.

  2. Enter your comment and click Reply.

  3. You can view the comment thread by clicking the highlighted text.

Resolve comments

  1. Click the highlighted text portion to view the thread, then click to resolve the thread.

  2. To view the resolved comment thread, click the Comment archive button in the toolbar. You can view a history of all archived comments in the Comment archive.

  3. To reopen a comment thread, reply to the comment thread in the Comment archive or click the Reopen button that appears next to the highlighted text portion.

Edit or delete comments

  1. Click the highlighted text portion to access the comment thread.

  2. To edit a comment in the thread, click the More options icon for the corresponding comment and click Edit.

  3. Edit your comment and click Save.

  4. To edit a comment in a resolved thread, follow the same steps but click the Comments archive button first to access the resolved thread.

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