Register models in the inventory


January 22, 2025

Register models with ValidMind as the first step towards streamlining your model documentation and validation workflow.



  1. In the left sidebar, click Inventory.

  2. Click Register New Model.

  3. Depending on whether or not your organization has additional fields2 required on model registration, input the information on the Register New Model panel.

Basic Model Information

If no additional fields are required on registration for your models:

  1. Provide the information outlined in the basic model information fields table below.

  2. Click Register Model to create a new entry in the model inventory.

Basic model information fields
Field Description
model name The name of your model.
group (conditional) If you belong to multiple user groups,3 select the group that can see the model.
what type of model is it? Whether the model is a new model, or an existing model.
template (conditional) New models require a Template4 to be selected.
model status (conditional) Existing models require a Model Status to be selected.
business unit Business unit associated with the model.
use case The model’s use case.
is it a vendor model? (optional) If the model is a vendor model, toggle Is Vendor Model.5
vendor name (conditional) If the model is a vendor model, provide the vendor’s name.
purpose Explain what the model will be used for.
preliminary risk tier Assign a preliminary risk tier.
owners (optional) Assign another or additional model owners.

Additional Model Information

If additional fields are required on model registration for your organization:

  1. First enter the basic model information,6 then click Next .

  2. Fill in your organization’s required additional fields.

  3. Click Register Model to create a new entry in the model inventory.

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