September 9, 2024

We’ve expanded functionality in the platform, including a more extensible version of risk areas that allows you to customize guidelines associated with your validation templates, as well as the ability to reset your model workflows.

Release highlights

ValidMind Platform (v1.24.6)

Manage validation guidelines

We’ve expanded on our risk area functionality and added a new page to your Workplace Settings: Risk Areas & Validation Guidelines.

This replaces the old Risk Areas set up under Organization, and allows you to customize guidelines associated with your model validation templates.

Manage validation guidelines

A screenshot showing the Risk Areas & Validation Guidelines in Workspace Settings

Risk Areas & Validation Guidelines in Workspace Settings

Reset your model workflow

Need to start over with a model? You can now reset your model’s workflow to its initial state in the lifecycle.

Working with model workflows

A screenshot showing the option to reset your model workflow

Option to reset your model workflow


ValidMind Platform (v1.24.6)

Model inventory fields

Previously, we used custom fields to refer to your organization’s unique additional fields for models as well as the default fields provided as suggestions by ValidMind. Custom fields has been renamed to model inventory fields, capturing all additional fields, and the terminology standardized across the ValidMind Platform and our documentation.

You can still require additional fields to be provided upon model registration, and work with a number of different types of fields.

Model lifecyle statuses

Previously, we used resource statuses to refer to the model stages made available for use in your model workflows. Resource statuses has been renamed to model lifecycle statuses, clarifying their function, and the terminology standardized across the ValidMind Platform and our documentation.

  • Default statuses are provided for you as suggestions.
  • You can add, edit, remove, and define your own custom statuses.

How to upgrade

ValidMind Platform

To access the latest version of the ValidMind Platform,1 hard refresh your browser tab:

  • Windows: Ctrl + Shift + R OR Ctrl + F5
  • MacOS: ⌘ Cmd + Shift + R OR hold down ⌘ Cmd and click the Reload button

ValidMind Library

To upgrade the ValidMind Library:2

  1. In your Jupyter Notebook:

    • Using JupyterHub:3 Hard refresh your browser tab.
    • In your own developer environment:4 Restart your notebook.
  2. Then within a code cell or your terminal, run:

    %pip install --upgrade validmind

You may need to restart your kernel after running the upgrade package for changes to be applied.