
Assesses the significance of each feature in a model by evaluating the impact on model performance when feature values are randomly rearranged.


The primary purpose of this metric is to determine which features significantly impact the performance of a regression model developed using statsmodels. The metric measures how much the prediction accuracy deteriorates when each feature’s values are permuted.

Test Mechanism

This metric shuffles the values of each feature one at a time in the dataset, computes the model’s performance after each permutation, and compares it to the baseline performance. A significant decrease in performance indicates the importance of the feature.

Signs of High Risk

  • Significant reliance on a feature that, when permuted, leads to a substantial decrease in performance, suggesting overfitting or high model dependency on that feature.
  • Features identified as unimportant despite known impacts from domain knowledge, suggesting potential issues in model training or data preprocessing.


  • Directly assesses the impact of each feature on model performance, providing clear insights into model dependencies.
  • Model-agnostic within the scope of statsmodels, applicable to any regression model that outputs predictions.


  • The metric is specific to statsmodels and cannot be used with other types of models without adaptation.
  • It does not capture interactions between features, which can lead to underestimating the importance of correlated features.
  • Assumes independence of features when calculating importance, which might not always hold true.