
Assesses normality and behavior of residuals in regression models through visualization and statistical tests.


The Model Prediction Residuals test aims to visualize the residuals of model predictions and assess their normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test. It helps to identify potential issues related to model assumptions and effectiveness.

Test Mechanism

This test involves the following steps for each dataset-model pair:

  • Calculate the residuals by subtracting predicted values from the actual values.
  • Generate two types of plots: a time series plot of residuals and a histogram of residuals.
  • Perform the KS test to assess the normality of the residuals and summarize the results in a table.

Signs of High Risk

  • Residuals are not normally distributed, indicating potential issues with model assumptions.
  • High skewness or kurtosis in the residuals, which may suggest model misspecification.


  • Provides clear visualizations of residuals over time and their distribution.
  • Includes statistical tests to assess the normality of residuals.
  • Helps in identifying potential model misspecifications and assumption violations.


  • Assumes that the dataset is provided as a DataFrameDataset object with a .df attribute to access the pandas DataFrame.
  • Only generates plots for datasets with a datetime index, resulting in errors for other types of indices.