Voice and tone


September 9, 2024

While we work closely with technology, the ValidMind voice prefers a human-first approach.

When we adapt our tone to fit the audience and context, we always aim to build a relationship and foster understanding with the person we’re trying to reach.

Concise, but thorough

Be clear and concise. Avoid unnecessary jargon or convoluted language. But when in doubt, clarify; define complex phrases and provide context for product terminology.

Use active voice

The quickest way to accomplish clarity is through use of the active voice. Active voice follows natural speaking patterns, is easy to understand, and reduces ambiguity about responsibilities especially when describing tasks.

Active voice examples
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You’ll need to review the generated content. The generated content will be reviewed by you.

Don’t be obtuse

  • Use exoteric (common) language whenever possible, and provide proper explanations or appropriate resources for technical terms. (You see what we did there? Parentheses — so handy.)
  • Acronyms often require domain knowledge that a reader might not have. Avoid acronyms unless you define them first.
Common language & defining acronyms examples
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Model risk management aims to ensure the accuracy and reliability of models, reduce operational risks, and comply with regulatory requirements such as the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) and the Dodd-Frank Act Stress Tests (DFAST). MRM aims to corroborate the accuracy and reliability of models, abate OpRisk, and induce observation with regulatory requirements such as CCAR and DFAS.

Break it down

  • Divide complex ideas into simple, digestible parts.
  • Bulleted lists are your new best friend!
  • Try incorporating different mediums (such as visual aids like images, charts, etc.) to help fortify understanding, and to provide the reader respite from walls of text.

Everybody’s welcome

Engage with your audience in a friendly, open, and encouraging manner. Every reader is here to learn, and at ValidMind we believe that experts are always enthusiastic to share their knowledge.

Appeal to humans

Behind every page, there’s a person. In every word, lies an opportunity to win your audience over.

  • Show empathy. Acknowledge user frustrations and celebrate successes.
  • Inject humor when appropriate. Sometimes, a touch of levity can make technical subjects more engaging. However, keep in mind context and be judicious when applying humor.
Empathy & humor examples
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User acknowledgement: Documenting findings can be difficult and tedious for even the most seasoned of validators. User dismissal: For experienced validators, documenting findings is a breeze.
Success toast: Nice work — you’ve successfully registered your first model! Inappropriate humor: We lost your model documentation, oops! Here, have a pony! (e.g. error message for serious issue)

Be positive

Enable value for your audience, by empowering them.

  • Focus on solutions. Instead of highlighting what’s wrong, guide the reader to the right path. When possible, offer workarounds.
  • Emphasize benefits. Clearly communicate the positive impacts and how they help the user.
Solutions & benefits examples
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While the layout of these columns on this page is fixed, you can export the data which will allow you to rearrange the information as desired. You can’t edit this page, or change the layout of these columns.

Make it accessible

  • Be inclusive. Knowledge is for everyone, and asks for no qualifications other than curiosity. Use bias-free communication1 to break down barriers and acknowledge the diversity of our user base.
  • Not everyone uses technology the same way. To support as wide an audience as possible, provide alternative means to learn about important concepts. This can include alt tags for images, table headers, and alternative formats such as transcripts for videos.
Bias-free communication & inclusivity examples
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The findings are then submitted to the chair of the MRMG (model risk management group), who will then review the recommendations and provide their status assessments. The findings are then submitted to the chairman of the MRMG, who will then review the recommendations and provide his status assessments.
![](link-evidence.png){fig-alt="A screenshot of the validation report section 2.1.1. that shows a compliance assessment with the option to link to evidence"} ![](link-evidence.png)

Let’s chat

Be professional, but keep it casual and warm. Write like you would speak — imagine explaining the concept to a curious friend.

Make it personal

Address the reader directly by using the second person.

  • Second person creates a sense of connection and reinforces a user’s agency when it comes to performing tasks.
  • It is also an easy way to remove any assumptions we may have about a user’s role, and reinforces bias-free communication.
2nd person examples
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After completing this QuickStart, you will be able to view your test results as part of your model documentation right in the ValidMind Platform UI. After completing this QuickStart, the model developer will be able to view the test results as part of the model documentation right in the ValidMind Platform UI.

Avoid stiff formality

  • Make use of contractions where appropriate.
  • Stay away from overly formal or stilted language.
  • If there’s a simpler way to say it: say it!
Informal language examples
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Once you’ve registered the model, you can then grab the unique code snippet that will have been generated for you to use in the next step. First, you must register the model as this will generate a unique code snippet that needs to be copied. Then, you need to retrieve the code snippet so that you can make use of it in the following step.

Focus on teamwork

Keep your audience involved in the process. Engage the reader with questions, and appeal to their interests.

Audience engagement examples
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What if you were able to more easily, more effortlessly discern uncertainty, unleashing the full potential of your model outputs? That’s the power of ValidMind. ValidMind easily and effortlessly discerns uncertainty, unleashing the full potential of model outputs.

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